April Newsletter

Read up on what's planned for April.



We are looking forward to the inaugural SIHS CAR SHOW AND RUMMAGE SALE, to be held on May 11 at Southern Inyo Hospital. Plan to attend. Even better, plan to show off your car, or bring your gently used discards to sell to someone who really wants them. Looking forward to seeing you then.

Along with the car show and rummage sale, we are having a raffle of a lovely 39” by 27” framed photo of Lone Pine Peak at sunrise. Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20. See Linda in Radiology at the hospital for tickets.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has donated their change to our CASH CANS that are in various businesses around Olancha, Lone Pine, and Independence. Thanks to you we are able to buy much needed equipment for our hospital. Thank you to the merchants who have allowed us to put the cans near their cash registers. We appreciate your support. Together, we CAN make a positive difference for our hospital.

SIHSalvation.org doesn't log, or share your personal information. We don't track you, we don't profile you. Period!