About the Salvation Foundation

Get to know who we are


About the Salvation

Southern Inyo Hospital Salvation was initially formed by a group of hospital
employees who were gravely concerned about the future of Southern Inyo
Hospital. Simply because we are hospital employees, it was easier for us to see the
vast array of needs, as community members and as employees. We spent a
significant amount of time trying to figure out how we could help our
Hospital and our community maintain healthcare for all of us, and
This non-profit foundation is the result.

We invite any and all interested parties to join us in our endeavors
to provide and maintain high quality care for each and every person
That lives and/or plays within the boundaries of the Southern Inyo Hospital
Healthcare District. General membership meetings are held the last
Monday of every month at noon in the hospital conference room.


Post Office Box 329
Lone Pine, California. 93545

SIHSalvation.org doesn't log, or share your personal information. We don't track you, we don't profile you. Period!